These are very dark times indeed. And I don’t mean this metaphorically, (although that may well be true) but literally – the days are getting shorter and the nights are getting longer and this will continue until the winter solstice when things will ever so slowly start to improve (I do recognize that for those of you living in the southern hemisphere – and I know you’re out there – this isn’t the case, but bear with me).
In these dark times, my mind turns to dark topics. Specifically, I have developed an unhealthy obsession with the zombie apocalypse. Looking at that last sentence, I realize it suggests that there is such a thing as a healthy obsession with the zombie apocalypse but to be clear, there isn’t.
My specific concern with the zombie apocalypse is that I don’t think I’ll be of much use (I know, why is it always about me). I just don’t see a big role for lawyers during this period. I suppose I could defend zombies, if people arrested them and put them on trial rather than just killing them with guns and baseball bats – but I don’t recall watching any legal dramas set during this pretend time. And given that zombies don’t have brains, I don’t know how I would take instructions from my clients (and before people correct me, I note that research shows that apparently zombies do have brains – there are a number of academic papers on that subject – who says a university education isn’t practical).

As I was getting more and more depressed about how little I could contribute to this dystopian universe, I was buoyed by the realization that there was indeed a role for me, and that was as a minstrel. There’s always need for music and song, even during a zombie apocalypse, perhaps even more so during such troubled times. And then I realized that not only could I be a minstrel, but I could be part of a minstrel troupe, like, for example, Gordon’s Acoustic Living Room – the band to whom I owe a deep allegiance (this is not to suggest that the other members of the group do not have useful zombie apocalypse fighting skills because I’m sure they do).
And this then takes me, as it inevitably and inexorably does, to Gordon’s Acoustic Living Room’s next gig – which will be Sunday, December 8 starting at 8 pm at the venerable Free Times Café (still firmly ensconced on College, west of Spadina). This show, in true minstrel fashion, will be our ever-popular all-request holiday show. Yes, you get to pick the songs we play. To be clear, we’re not playing any song you’d like (for example we’re not going to do Zombie by the Cranberries whose chorus goes – in part – “In your head, in your head/Zombie, zombie, zombie-ie-ie”) but you can choose from over 330 songs. Just go to and make your choices – as many or as few as you’d like. And even if you can’t make the show, please vote. But do visit the site soon because polling closes at noon on Wednesday, December 4 (we need time to remember how to play some of these songs).
To celebrate the holiday season, and the fact that we are not actually in the midst of a zombie apocalypse (although the results of some recent elections around the world suggest that the zombies may have found a new way to take over) there will be no cover.
Hope to see you soon.
P.S. Opinion is divided on whether bagpipes are a zombie’s favourite instrument (because, you know, they don’t have brains) or their least favourite instrument (because, you know, the caterwauling).
December 8th Set List: | |
Set #1: | Set #2: |
Bagpipe Carols I Believe in Father Christmas Amie Saskatchewan Sky Everybody’s Talking Long Black Veil Hallelujah When Will I Be Loved Across the Border Breathe In Breathe Out Roses at the Pow Wow The Wanderer C’est La Vie Walk Away Renee Glenora Ferry |
You’re a Mean One Mr. Grinch I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa… Brown Eyed Girl Wichita Lineman Redemption Song First We Take Manhattan Famous Blue Raincoat I Shall Be Released Unchained Melody I Don’t Look Good Naked… Drinking Whiskey Like… Lodestar Brandy Bang Bang Ohio |